Igeres Hatiyul Part #1;
Wonderous insights from R.Chaim the brother of the Maharal
preventing "legal wife swapping";
how torah/marriage never gets stale;
some mitzvos only you can do;
shabbos is like your kallah;
love of our avos/imahos;
traits of a jew;
beauty of a wife has meaning and is a gift only if she keeps her 3 special mitzvos
Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected]
suggestions husband and wives tell each other (or should) to make the sexual relations more meaningful; (use the content of this shiur responsibly); Email...
(Zelig Pliskin) developing a positive mind will help your self-confidence; move from "why" to "what's next"; growing from your regrets; taking baby steps in...
Vayeshev (וַיֵּשֶׁב); to have compassion even towards animals or even a flower; good smelling spicing was Hashem's way of encouraging Yosef; even seemingly low...