Igeres Hatiyul Part #1;
Wonderous insights from R.Chaim the brother of the Maharal
preventing "legal wife swapping";
how torah/marriage never gets stale;
some mitzvos only you can do;
shabbos is like your kallah;
love of our avos/imahos;
traits of a jew;
beauty of a wife has meaning and is a gift only if she keeps her 3 special mitzvos
Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected]
Power of words series #60. avoid perfectionism which would discourage you from improving; persistence; being careful asking personal questions; use softer approach with sensitive...
healthy "no" protecting your marriage and life; being guarded but not too guarded; allowing spouse to open their self protecting walls in safe ways; ...
Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected]