Shiurim SB #20 - #26, while informative for everyone, will primarily focus on the sexual and emotional struggles of teenage boys from after Bar Mitzvah into their 20's.
Beneficial for parents, mechanchim and anyone who loves and cares for these boys.
Copy of the Alei Shur letter these shiurim is based on -
After these shiurim, we will revert back to directly adressing sholom bayis issues. Other related important topics will be adressed as well, but usually not with many consecutive shiurim as here.
Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected]
Pinchas (פִּינְחָס); Love & Awe; Zachor & Shamor; On the Children of Korach; The Power of a Thought of Teshuva; Email address for feedback,...
This discussion is a very valuable one in regards to what healthy sexuality and intimacy is, and how correct education (for adults, children, parents)...
Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected] Very important & practically helpful concepts discussed which I felt was very important to share....