Ep. 472 - (ZP # 69) Not to be overconcerned with disapproval; balanced approach to acknowledge when your anxious; the kindness of increasing serenity. (Zelig Pliskin)

Episode 69 January 12, 2023 00:15:14
Ep. 472 - (ZP # 69) Not to be overconcerned with disapproval; balanced approach to acknowledge when your anxious; the kindness of increasing serenity. (Zelig Pliskin)
Sholom Bayis and important life topics
Ep. 472 - (ZP # 69) Not to be overconcerned with disapproval; balanced approach to acknowledge when your anxious; the kindness of increasing serenity. (Zelig Pliskin)

Jan 12 2023 | 00:15:14


Show Notes

(Zelig Pliskin)

Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected]

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