Ep. 599 - (SB # 346) Part #4. Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier, 'The 10 Really Dumb Mistakes that Very Smart Couples Make: A Torah-Based Guide to a Successful Marriage'.

Episode 347 June 13, 2023 00:17:42
Ep. 599 - (SB # 346) Part #4. Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier, 'The 10 Really Dumb Mistakes that Very Smart Couples Make: A Torah-Based Guide to a Successful Marriage'.
Sholom Bayis and important life topics
Ep. 599 - (SB # 346) Part #4. Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier, 'The 10 Really Dumb Mistakes that Very Smart Couples Make: A Torah-Based Guide to a Successful Marriage'.

Jun 13 2023 | 00:17:42


Show Notes

Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier 'The 10 Really Dumb Mistakes that Very Smart Couples Make: A Torah-Based Guide to a Successful Marriage'

Part 4.

Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Really-Dumb-Mistakes-Smart-Couples/dp/1680251767


Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected]

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