Ep. 71 - (FI # 18a) Special Message in regards to this video. (Feedback & Insights)

Episode 20 August 15, 2021 00:07:39
Ep. 71 - (FI # 18a) Special Message in regards to this video. (Feedback & Insights)
Sholom Bayis and important life topics
Ep. 71 - (FI # 18a) Special Message in regards to this video. (Feedback & Insights)

Aug 15 2021 | 00:07:39


Show Notes


Feedbacks 17 through 20, (as well as upcoming 21-22 are adressing both husband and wife together) discuss very important concepts such as healthy communication in regards to intimacy as well as the healthy approach to sexuality.

It is very crucial to listen to these shiurim and send it along to others who can benefit, especially those that teach engaged boys and girls, and  those who advise married couples

Many marriage problems and even divorces could be avoided by learning to communicate with each other in regards to intimacy and working with each other to experience a pleasurable and joyous intimate experience. When that takes place then the other issues in the marriage become alot more managable and are easier to resolve.

Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected]

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