Latest Episodes
Ep. 586 - (SB # 337) Coping with "aloneness" in marriage.
coping with "aloneness" in marriage; Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected]
Ep. 585 - (SB # 336) Coping with insecurity; how working on insecurity can heal and enhance the husband/wife relationship.
coping with insecurity; how working on insecurity can heal and enhance the husband/wife relationship; Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected]
Ep. 584 - (SB # 335) Marriage cannot survive on "chemistry" alone; not to be fearful of "bumps" in marriage; prayer and self work transforms a marriage into a beautiful and strong one.
marriage cannot survive on "chemistry" alone; not to be fearful of "bumps" in marriage; prayer and self work transforms a marriage into a beautiful...
Ep. 583 - (FI # 94) Using the concept of Pas Besalo in a healthy way; using sex for ONLY physical release is destructive, but is a perfectly valid healthy need when it's not the Tachlis.
using the concept of Pas Besalo in a healthy way; using sex for ONLY physical release is destructive, but is a perfectly valid healthy...
Ep. 582 - (ZP # 87) Shiur #9 on Rav Zelig Pliskin's book "Self confidence". (Zelig Pliskin)
(Zelig Pliskin) self confidence by learning what you need to know; give yourself permission to fail; relabel your thoughts; you a gatekeeper of your...
Ep. 581 - (SB # 334) Thinking clearly in the face of anger, nagging and negativity, or religious differences.
thinking clearly in the face of anger, nagging and negativity, or religious differences; Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected]