Latest Episodes
Ep. 985 - (FI # 146) The opposite of love is indifference; love is not a feeling, but a meaningful choice, which expands our souls and allows us to access the best part of ourselves and our spouse.
the opposite of love is indifference; love is not a feeling, but a meaningful choice, which expands our souls and allows us to access...
Ep. 984 - (ZP # 141) Possibility thinking; let go of bitterness; reframe negative self talk; each day is a new beginning; observe, don't judge.
possibility thinking; let go of bitterness; reframe negative self talk; each day is a new beginning; observe, don't judge; Email address for feedback, questions,...
Ep. 983 - (PW # 42) Power of words series #42.
Power of words series #42. the terrible crime of insulting someone because they lack "intelligence"; Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected],...
Ep. 982 - (PS # 129) Ki Tavo (כִּי-תָבוֹא).
Ki Tavo (כִּי-תָבוֹא); gratefulness; simcha as a key component of serving Hashem; Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach...
Ep. 981 - (SB # 450) To strive for a deep love between husband and wife; not just being kind "for the sake of sholom bayis", but to create that true bond with one another.
to strive for a deep love between husband and wife; not just being kind "for the sake of sholom bayis", but to create that...
Ep. 980 - (SB # 449) Introducing "pure oneness" by rabbi Aron Cohen; the yiddish version of ma tovu ohalecha.
introducing "pure oneness" by rabbi Aron Cohen; the yiddish version of ma tovu ohalecha; Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or...