Latest Episodes
Ep. 1097 - (SB # 479) Onah; a deep satisfaction; marital relations is the language of the body that expresses and inspires the emotional language of the soul; basic review of the Onah concept.
Onah; a deep satisfaction; marital relations is the language of the body that expresses and inspires the emotional language of the soul; basic review...
Ep. 1096 - (PS # 152) Beshalach (בְּשַׁלַּח) - 5783.
Beshalach (בְּשַׁלַּח) - 5783; avoiding slave mentality when fighting against your Yetzer Horah; bitterness comes from within and we need to counteract it; using...
Ep. 1095 - (SB # 478) Onah as an act of joy; when done correctly, the physical pleasure is part of the Mitzvah itself.
Onah as an act of joy; when done correctly, the physical pleasure is part of the Mitzvah itself; Email address for feedback, questions, and...
Ep. 1094 - (HSP # 30) Judith Orloff's empaths survival guide, Part 11.
Judith Orloff's empaths survival guide, Part 11. empaths, parenting, and raising sensitive children; Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to...
Ep. 1093 - (FI # 159) Part 1. Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, "I've gotta get out of my own way".
Part 1. Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, "I've gotta get out of my own way"; Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or...
Ep. 1092 - (PW # 56) Power of words series #56.
Power of words series #56. dealing with nosy people; avoid unnecessary; to disagree respectfully; not to give "order"; not to overreact due to lack...