Ep. 626 - (ZP # 95) Practice visualizing seeing yourself accomplishing great things; TOLDOS YAAKOV YITZCHOK and KEDUSHAS LEVI on avoiding misplaced humility, and that YOUR good deeds are PRECIOUS in the eyes of Hashem. (Zelig Pliskin)

Episode 95 July 16, 2023 00:18:53
Ep. 626 - (ZP # 95) Practice visualizing seeing yourself accomplishing great things; TOLDOS YAAKOV YITZCHOK and KEDUSHAS LEVI on avoiding misplaced humility, and that YOUR good deeds are PRECIOUS in the eyes of Hashem. (Zelig Pliskin)
Sholom Bayis and important life topics
Ep. 626 - (ZP # 95) Practice visualizing seeing yourself accomplishing great things; TOLDOS YAAKOV YITZCHOK and KEDUSHAS LEVI on avoiding misplaced humility, and that YOUR good deeds are PRECIOUS in the eyes of Hashem. (Zelig Pliskin)

Jul 16 2023 | 00:18:53


Show Notes

 (Zelig Pliskin)



Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected]

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