Latest Episodes
Ep. 752 - (SF # 65) Chayei Olam - Chapter 1. Part 2.
Chayei Olam - Chapter 1. Part 2. the infinite kindness and wisdom of Hashem in creating man; heart, lungs, circulatory, and digestive, and reproductive...
Ep. 751 - (FI # 121) Recreation intimacy.
Recreation intimacy. having fun together; sharing enjoyable experiences together; trying things that your spouse likes; Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected],...
Ep. 750 - (PS # 67) Miketz (מִקֵּץ).
Miketz (מִקֵּץ); Yosef's secret kindness to Shimon; recognizing everything is from Hashem; the miracle of oil burning!! Email address for feedback, questions, and insights...
Ep. 749 - (PW # 13) Power of words series #13.
Power of words series #13. praising the bought items of others; not insulting people, even ones own children for breaking or spilling things; catch...
Ep. 748 - (SB # 394) Marriages can be healed by bringing Hashem in the picture; developing skills, and fighting against our own self centeredness.
marriages can be healed by bringing Hashem in the picture; developing skills, and fighting against our own self centeredness; Email address for feedback, questions,...
Ep. 747 - (ZP # 112) Being properly prepared helps your self-confidence; recognizing your own value and worth at all times.
being properly prepared helps your self-confidence; recognizing your own value and worth at all times; Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected],...