Latest Episodes
Ep. 746 - (SB # 393) Developing self-esteem heals and transforms marriages; self-esteem and happiness are interdependent.
Developing self-esteem heals and transforms marriages; self-esteem and happiness are interdependent; Email address for feedback, questions, and insights is [email protected], or to reach out...
Ep. 745 - (SF # 64) Chayei Olam - Chapter 1. Part 1.
Chayei Olam - Chapter 1. Part 1. the infinite kindness and wisdom of Hashem in creation; sight, hearing, taste, smell, speech, music, asher yotzar,...
Ep. 744 - (PS # 66) Vayeshev (וַיֵּשֶׁב).
Vayeshev (וַיֵּשֶׁב) not to embarrass anyone Yaakov's image saving Yosef to connect with our Avos humble beginnings avoiding the poison of Sinas Chinam Email...
Ep. 743 - (FI # 120) Spiritual intimacy - a very powerful deep bond; by praying, learning, listening to mutually enjoyable shiurim, sharing Torah thoughts, all create the most deepest spiritual bond.
spiritual intimacy - a very powerful deep bond; by praying, learning, listening to mutually enjoyable shiurim, sharing Torah thoughts, all create the most deepest...
Ep. 742 - (PW # 12) Power of words series #12.
Power of words series #12. avoiding the unhealthy habit of blaming others; being careful not to boast; not to cause distress by being insensitive...
Ep. 741 - (ZP # 111) PRI TZADDIK, CHOFETZ CHAIM, (and more) on recognizing your good deeds have GREAT effect; your prayers have GREAT power; to refuse to listen to the yetzer hora who tells you that your good deeds are worthless.
PRI TZADDIK, CHOFETZ CHAIM, (and more) on recognizing your good deeds have GREAT effect; your prayers have GREAT power; to refuse to listen to...